SWEDBO is a registered organisation (official Swedish org no. 817602-4753).

History and Purpose
The Swedish Developmental Biology Organization was founded in 1976 and is affiliated to ISDB, The International Society for Developmental Biology (www.developmental-biology.org)

Its purpose is to promote the developmental biology in Sweden.

This is done by:
•Facilitating the cooperation and information exchange between Swedish researchers
•Supporting the organization of scientific meetings, where Swedish development biologists can share their research with each other and with invited foreign researchers
•Disseminating international progress in research by providing a contact with other national and scientific international organizations
•Stimulating education and training in the developmental biology field

SWEDBO board
SWEDBO is run by a committee elected by the members:

Ulrika Marklund (Chairperson), Marklund lab, ulrika.marklund@ki.se
Mattias Mannervik (Vice-chair), Mannervik lab, mattias.mannervik@su.se
Kaska Koltowska (Secretary), Koltowska labkaska.koltowska@igp.uu.se
Andreas Hörnblad (Treasurer), Hörnblad lab, andreas.hornblad@umu.se
Claudio Cantù (Media), Cantù labclaudio.cantu@liu.se
Ruth Palmer, Palmer lab, ruth.palmer@gu.se
Agnete Kirkeby, Kirkeby lab, agnete.kirkeby@med.lu.se
Palle Serup (Associated member), Serup lab, palle.serup@sund.ku.dk
Fabian Rentzsch (Associated member), Rentzsch lab, fabian.rentzsch@uib.no

Curious to know more about SWEDBO? Don’t hesitate to contact us:

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